Success had never felt so sweet and meaningful


1. Your experience

My experiences revolved around the development of the program for 3 Gen Fusion - brainstorming and testing out the activities. On top of some deliberate and thoughtful research, we had to constantly fine-tune our activities according to details which consist of our confirmed target audience, duration of the program, available resources and manpower etc. Other than program development, I was also in charge of the volunteer training which was definitely an eye-opening experience for me. I doubt that I will have a first-hand experience of delivering the training to so many people if it were not presented with this opportunity. In summary, I think that my greatest achievement is in making the band performance happen. I’m sure it wouldn’t have happened with the mere snap of a finger, but I'm grateful that I decided to stick with it. Seeing everything falling into place, the smiles on the faces of volunteers and the elderly swaying to the music, I couldn't help but shed tears of joy. Success had never felt so sweet and meaningful. I feel that I might have found my calling in Life. The beauty in that moment was just so out of this world.

2. What or who were you thankful for and why?

The band, definitely. I have them to thank for kickstarting 3 Gen Fusion on a high note, setting apart differences, bringing people together through the arts. I am also thankful for team members who helped turn my ideas into reality - managing our finances, recruiting manpower, sourcing for resources and providing moral support. Not forgetting our enthusiastic and passionate volunteers and elderly, 3 Gen Fusion would not have been that great a success without them.

3. Your growth/ key learnings from planning till executing the event

I'd have to say that procrastination is my greatest weakness throughout the entire planning and execution of 3 Gen Fusion. As I had other commitments, I often find myself rushing to complete tasks at the very last minute. Thankfully, there were conscientious leaders who nudged me whenever necessary to keep me on track. Going forward, I will take note of this aspect of me and continue to work on it.

Submitted by Jacintha Tan

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