Flag Day 2019


Dear BWS Flag Day Donors and Volunteers,

In this materialistic era, people tend to pursue material enjoyment and fame. The love and care among human is gradually fading away.  Man at birth is fundamentally good in nature.  Hence, we have to evoke the good nature of everyone by imparting good moral value and spreading seeds (Sincerity, Gratitude, Service, Kindness) in everyone's heart so as to transform the world to become harmonious and beautiful.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness in either donating and/or volunteering on the flag day. This allows Blossom World Society to spread the seeds of goodness to all corners of Singapore. 

Blossom World Society’s flag day fundraising was successfully completed. Funds raised will be used for BWS programmes and sustenance of our operation cost.

We would like to thank you for your unconditional support and love to Blossom World Society. We hope that, one day, everyone will live in a Blossom World of happiness and joy! 

Yours sincerely,

Staff and Management

Blossom World Society

Blossom World Flag Day 2019

BWSFlag Day